cut performance

Headphones or Good Speakers! A short etude that explores some of the potentials for using jump cuts in sound and image composition. I. Allegro II. Lento III. Scherzo IV. Rondo

cut experiments / cut performance score: Film yourself making sounds... refigure the performance using only cuts. more video experiments

adding machine

Adding Machine is a simple delay system, built in Max/MSP.

It captures the input of a microphone and continuously loops the stream at prescribed intervals.  All input is repeated, timbrally unaltered, and sent to either two or four distinct speakers.  The machine can be set to automate the switching and fading of delay banks by stepping through predetermined ‘scenes’, allowing a performer to create different and dynamic forms and textures.

Sir Terdl


This is a picture of my pet turdle (names Terdl), but this is also my first attempt to update blog through my phone. Is this gonna work?

Update: it kinda worked, although the picture size options are limited... grrr.